As an artist, I am a visual storyteller, a collector of life's fleeting moments and a magician of emotions. My work is born from the wild, uncharted realms of love, where I explore the raw, untamed landscapes of the human heart. Each piece is a journey-woven with intuition, stitched together by craftsmanship and unfolding into new dimensions with every glance. My art isn't just a reflection; it’s a visual rebellion, pushing boundaries and asking us to see the world with fresh eyes.
At the core, my work celebrates the power of connection: love, desire, loneliness, female empowerment, self-acceptance and the dance between vulnerability and strength. We are all shaped by our stories, our insecurities, our multiple selves. My art invites the viewer to step into these stories and bring their own perspective, challenging perceptions and blurring the lines between personal and universal. It’s not just what I create-it’s how you see it, filtered through your own beliefs and experiences.
Respect, love and connection form the heart of what I do. My art is a diary, an open page where perfection is nothing more than a snapshot in time. It’s an invitation to embrace all parts of yourself, to connect with others in love and respect and to release what no longer serves you.
As long as we move with respect, reciprocity, softness and love, we can make the world a little brighter-together.
Mixed media / Typography / Assemblage
In deze serie onderzoek ik thema’s van wedergeboorte en innerlijke kracht. Geboren uit de as symboliseert deze collectie veerkracht en vangt ze de delicate balans tussen vernietiging en vernieuwing. De werken tonen de schoonheid in stille momenten – rustend in de stilte tussen chaos en creatie.
A2 kunstprints gedrukt op Munken Lynx Rough 170 / gelimiteerde oplage 1-35, handgesigneerd / Drukkerij Walters Maastricht